Memorial Service

Memorial Service for Greg Dell slideshow

Dale Fast

This video of photos from Greg's life and ministry was displayed at his memorial service on November 20 in Chicago. Playing time: 10:51; no audio.


Memorial service bulletin cover

Memorial service bulletin designed by Alexia Kruger Rivera.

Memorial Service for Greg Dell

Anna DeShawn

Greg's memorial service at Alice Millar Chapel, a non-denominational center on the campus of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, was recorded and livestreamed Nov. 20, 2016 by Anna DeShawn. Playing time: 1:48:50; audio is very soft.

Memorial service photos

  • Tracy Baim

    Congregation at Greg's memorial service

  • Tracy Baim

    cathy knight, executive director of the Church Within A Church Movement, speaking at the memorial service.

  • Tracy Baim

    Rev. Vernice Thorn, former pastor of Broadway UMC and member of the Church Within a Church Movement, speaking at the memorial service.

  • Tracy Baim

    Olivia and Ramona Delborne, Greg and Jade Dell's granddaughters, speaking at the memorial service.

  • Tracy Baim

    Manny Ayala, member of the Church Within A Church Movement, speaking at the memorial service.